Saturday, March 6, 2010

Price--Letter I

Dear Baby Price---Yesterday was your "birth" day. Our family has already experienced tremendous joy just gazing at you, kissing you and adoring you. There were a brief few minutes when you entered the world that I wondered if we would get to lavish that love on you due to the fact that you were blue! Yes, you were blue and we were expecting the rosy pink of a newborn baby. The hospital staff immediately whisked you away from your mother and began working on you right in the room. It seemed like an eternity (although I have been assured, it was just a few minutes) before we heard the sweet, loud cry of a newborn Price. As I held your mothers anxious hand and watched your dad looking down on you, I began to pray that God would give you breath. I also prayed that no matter what happened, our family would glorify your Creator. The God who created all things...created you. As you begin to grow, your Mom and Dad and other family members will begin to teach you about God and His great love. This is a good thing. Love and hugs....YaYa