Friday, October 30, 2009


My favorite hobby is sewing and over the years I have accumulated too much fabric. When I enter a fabric store it is like observing a child going into an upscale candy store---I want to touch, taste and smell it all. Remember how it feels to eat too much candy--the stomach begins to ache and you just want to throw it all up. That is how I began to feel recently looking at all that fabric in my project room. It has become a "stomach ache"..too much---so I have decided to throw it up and out. By the end of the year my fabric will become completed projects or will fit into one small area of my project room. Why I want to sew so often is also an issue....sometimes it is my escape..I don't want to feel or think about what is happening in my life. Those tough conversations or exposing myself to others is just too risky..been there, done that...just let me sew. So ridiculous when you hear yourself say these things...Jesus suffered...why would I think that suffering is not okay?